What does it mean to be a quietly confident Introvert?

Apr 18, 2024 | Uncategorized

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new podcast series, “QUIETLY CONFIDENT INTROVERTS: Empowering Introverted Women Leaders”!

Listen to Quietly Confident Introvert and share

Listen to Quietly Confident Introvert and share HERE on Apple or HERE on Spotify

My mission is to help introverted women quash self-doubt and step out to fulfill their ambitions step into their full potential and step up to lead.

Using the words “quiet” and confidence in the same sentence can be an anomaly in a world where confidence is usually seen as an in-your-face, loud, and proud attitude.

However, the Cambridge Dictionary describes confidence as

“ the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future”

It is trust and reliability, which people have to earn. Isn’t it very interesting?

In addition, I love this quote taken from an article by Michael Smith in Forbes. He says:

“Quiet confidence is a leadership style that emphasises humility, authenticity, and a genuine belief in the person’s abilities. In a world that often celebrates loud voices and noise, quiet confidence offers a refreshing alternative”.

Let me take the time to expand on what Quiet Confidence means from my perspective.

It is:

Self Belief: When you quash negative self-talk and learn to trust yourself, you exude confidence

Authenticity: Courage to be real and keep it real

Ability to gain trust: Showing people that you can be trusted and reliable

Ability to serve with excellence: Developing capacity and capability to be the best at what you do

It increases through action and growth: The more action you take and invest in your skills, talent, and knowledge, the more confident you become.

Helping you build confidence is why I am here.

The quiet element is all about leaning into your introvert strengths and harnessing them to feel even more confident.

I released not one, but two episodes of the podcast, “Authenticity and Vulnerability” and “Permission to Position Yourself for Success”.

These episodes are packed with actionable insights, guidance, and inspiration that you won’t want to miss.

Every week there will be a new podcast episode to dive into. You can also catch the video of each podcast on my YouTube Channel HERE.

I am in the process of curating some guest interviews for next year with some fantastic guests that you won’t want to miss.

It would mean the world to me if you could listen, follow, review, and share the podcast.

As a thank you for doing this, send me a screenshot of your review by the 22nd of Dec via email at [email protected],and my team and I will enter you into a draw to win one of 3 prizes:

First Prize – £50 Amazon Gift Voucher.

Second Prize– Copy of Win Your Day Journal.

Third Prize– T-shirt from my Visionary Introverted Woman Brand.

The winners will be announced on Christmas Day.

Listen to Quietly Confident Introvert and share HERE

#quietlyconfidentintrovert #confidence #podcast #introvert