
Access specialised training programs designed to enhance skills, boost confidence, and drive success.

The art of working together in the new world.

Team Dynamics & Communication

This Session Includes:


30 mins of training


20 mins of roundtable discussions using leadership    tools


10 minutes of Q & A



Discover ways to restore or create synergy where there was none.


Begin to understand your teammates better.


Insightful conversations around the table to give you a new perspective.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

This Is For You If:

  • NYou are a team leader or manage teams
  • NYou want to know how best to fit in and communicate effectively with your teammates
  • NYou are working from home but want to make sure you are still connected and feel like one of the team; or


An Hour Well Spent With Focused Energy To Arrive At Results:

hosted by Patience Ogubona
Aligned Business Strategist/Coach /Business Trainer, DISC & Emotional Intelligence Expert, Speaker, Author


Leadership Skills Are Required To Lead A Purposeful And Successful Life

Bring this roundtable session to your organisation to create open and honest conversations, brainstorm ideas and help everyone to explore their leadership strengths.
Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching


Leadership Skills and Values

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching


Knowing Your Leadership Gaps

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching


Leading From Adversity to Advantage

Develop Courageous Leadership Skills

To succeed, today’s leaders must be able to adapt and lead in challenging environments. Here are five steps to help develop your leadership skills.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

Understand Yourself

The first step to being a successful leader is to understand your own strengths and weaknesses.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

Build Strong Relationships

A leader needs to be able to build strong relationships with others, both inside and outside their organisation.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

Continuous Learning

A leader needs to be continuously learning and growing. They must also be open to feedback and willing to change.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

Develop A Clear Vision

A leader needs to have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and be able to communicate it to others.

Training Programs to Boost Skills & Success - ATI Coaching

Be Adaptable

A leader needs to be continuously learning and growing. They must also be open to
feedback and willing to change.