Harness Your Strengths Program

Tired of feeling like the least confident person in the room? Join a group program and let’s grow together.

A Transformational Program

This is a four part, six weeks course that will help you uncover self-sabotaging behaviours and work on them to create a roadmap for reinvention.

This course begins with a DISC Personality Assessment and feedback session to devise an action plan for maximising strengths.

Harness Your Strengths Program

Your journey

Harness Your Strengths Program


Unveil insights for clarity and informed decisions

Harness Your Strengths Program


Clear obstacles, paving the path for progress.

Harness Your Strengths Program


Refresh mindset, invigorate spirit, restore energy.

Harness Your Strengths Program


Start fresh perspective and renewed determination.

Unlock Your Potential To Create Extraordinary Business Growth

No more running your business constrained by emotions and expectations of others. Learn to affirm your boundaries and give up “people pleasing” for good.
Step away from the noise and develop a growth plan to take you from overthinking and being overwhelmed towards becoming Empowered and Transformed.
Create your tailored success pathway on your own terms with purpose, renewed energy and focus.
Develop your courage to go after the progression and profit that you desire in your business, by learning how to use your intuition to guide you through the challenges of making tough decisions.

Ditch the self-doubt, feeling small and shrinking back and embrace those big ambitions, so you can build your dream business.

Stop watching from the side lines and become one of those female entrepreneurs that is performing to your God given potential.
Banish those limiting beliefs and silence that negative voice once and for all as you learn how to step into your zone of genius.
Cast off those restraints and resistance that has held you back for too long and learn to release the fire that burns inside you as you build a thriving and successful business.

Know For Sure, What You Desire Is What You Deserve


Step into your confident and courageous self so you can magnetically draw in your dream clients and build the business you have always dreamed of creating.


Embrace your God given talents as you step into your brilliance and deliver those radical transformational shifts for your clients.


Feel uplifted and empowered as you harness your strengths to achieve those desired business goals.


Create the freedom in your business to BE MORE, DO MORE and HAVE MORE, so you can live with purpose and passion.


Upscale your vision and mission as you become more energetically aligned with the masterplan for your business.


Be unstoppable, as you feel confident in controlling your life and business.

Harness Your Strengths Program
Harness Your Strengths Program

If Only You Could Stop Feeling…

Overwhelmed by too many social expectations that are not aligned to who you are or how you want to show up in the world.
Guilty for wanting more, being more and doing more, while that voice in your head keeps holding you back.
Less confident and unable to promote yourself with courage and certainty like your extrovert friends.

Regret that you have left things too late, when in fact, life is full of possibilities and you can become who you have always wanted to be.

Distracted by a lack of self-worth and comparisons to others, when what you need to do is celebrate your brilliance and shine so you can focus on what truly matters to you in your business and life.

"If you are an introverted female entrepreneur and professional and you are on a mission to up-level financially, emotionally, and spiritually, and share your talents with the world…"

At the end of this programme,
you will be able to…


Understand what has held you back so far, why you self-sabotage and how to overcome it, so you can create your dream business and live your best life.


Define your purpose, core values, vision and mission, so you can confidently sell yourself and your services.


Step into your next level of business and professional success with clarity, confidence, and courage.


Celebrate your introversion by having belief in the superpowers you possess so you can bring them to life and use them consistently.


Feel self-assured to make quicker decisions, while you avoid overthinking, procrastination or perfectionism.


Access the opportunities and life you have always wanted but felt unable to create & leave the legacy you have always had in mind for yourself.

Have A Question?

We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right on this page.

Will This Program Help Me Build My Business?

Yes – They say, “most of what stands in an entrepreneur’s way is their mindset”. This programme will help you get out of your own way and give you a strong base from which to build your business and feel unstoppable.

Is This Programme Only For New Start-Up Female Entrepreneurs

No. At any stage in business, mindset is an issue for many entrepreneurs to overcome. The mindset gremlins are always there and show up sometimes when you least expect them. This programme equips you to see them coming and send them packing.

If I Buy The Harness Programme But Then Change My Mind Do I Get My Money Back?

Under the terms of consumer contracts regulations, you have 14 calendar days to cancel our contract in accordance with UK law.

The cooling-off period begins the day after you enroll in the Harness Your Strengths programme. There is no refund after that time.

However, you should be aware that if you purchase the programme and begin using the services, such as attending calls and watching videos, the 14-day cooling-off period is voided under the terms of the consumer contracts regulation because you have begun to use the service.

You should also be aware that PayPal’s terms and conditions have changed, and that you signed up for this programme through PayPal, which means that they have processed your order and have carried out their part of the service and they do not refund their fees. So just to be clear this means that your refund will be less than the PayPal fees.

I strongly recommend that you should not buy this programme unless you are serious about making a change to your business and putting in the work required to make it happen.

Is This Programme Only Designed For Introverts?
Developing the mindset for success by playing to your strengths, will be beneficial no matter whether you are introverted or extroverted. However many of the strategies I will be sharing will be skewed towards helping introverts who feel disadvantaged by their introversion to feel empowered through the programme to thrive.
What Type Of Female Entrepreneur Is This Programme For?
My clients are mainly service based, however they also go along to successfully develop products for their business too, therefore, this will work for you no matter what your entrepreneurial goals are. In the last week of the programme is where we will focus more on the business the new you is ready to build.
Do You Offer a Payment Plan?
Yes. Harness Your Strengths Programme has an offer of a 3 monthly payment plans so that you can effectively spread the cost of the programme over a period of time.
Can I Copy, Reshare Or Use The Content From This Programme With Others.
The simple answer is No. Your payment entitles you to one licence to access the programme and live coaching sessions and you are not to share this with others or plagiarise and claim the content as your own. It is copyrighted.
If I Leave The Programme, Will I Still Have Access To The Content?
You have access to the content, if you stay in the programme and pay in full. If you choose to leave or do not pay complete your payment, we reserve the right to remove your access to the programme content and sessions.