Goals to Growth

Dec 30, 2019 | Start Your Business

I look back at my “Why Sheet” that I created at the end of 2018 as part of a John Maxwell Accountability Group. There were 4 key things I wanted to achieve then for 2019.

1. Do my first UK big Seminar/Workshop – I have done 3 – based on my signature format. They were not huge. But I learnt I actually like the intimate smaller group workshops and I have also done my first VIP day (bonus)

2. Get at least one corporate client to build my corporate offering. I have revamped and almost completed my ATI Coaching website ready for 2020 www.ati-coaching.com

I also have my first yes please, corporate client to launch out into corporates for 2020.

3. Create and Launch my Signature Program

I have created and launched 2.

One aimed at Going on a Personal Transformational Journey – Called Create Your Transformed and Empowered Life based on my book from Aspiration to Transformation. – Great results for clients from this 5 part Course.

The other – Aligned Business Blueprint (ABB). is aimed at helping entrepreneurs start their business, get their first client or opportunity and build a foundation from which they can grow and scale. Coming to the end of the 3 Month Session and great results too.

4. Get Disc Certified – Not only have I gotten DISC certified, but I have used it to Design a Structured Coaching Programme with great results for those that I have worked with.

Was the year perfect? A big fat No!!!!. I was ill for 9 out of 12 months. Doctors, Dentists, Ophthalmologist got to know me well.

It was a lesson in Resilience and not letting go of your dream. Without a doubt, I have grown and stretched.

There were some other mini victories along the way, the ups and the downs.

I would love to share the full story with you. So join me in my webinar on the 2nd. A relaxed session to help you move from goals to growth.